
Talent Scholarhsip for Karen Kilwake

As the youngest of a family of six, Karen Kilwake grew up in poverty. With a scholarship from the Erasmus Trustfonds, the Kenyan student was able to attain her master’s degree at the International Institute of Social Studies (part of Erasmus University Rotterdam).

Inequality is not Inevitable. The motto of Karen Kilwake, master’s student in Social Policy for Development at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, illustrates her background and her ambition. “We were really struggling. I remember my mom would sometimes feed us with water and salt or sugar. In 2005, my sister received a scholarship to study at the ISS. That’s when I knew what I wanted to do.”

Local impact

Africa receives a lot of foreign aid, but what does that mean for the locals? Is this form of dependency beneficial, or do we need something else? For instance, people might own a big piece of land with water flowing through it, but call themselves poor. They need to see their own possibilities. We need a shift in the mindset to trigger local development.

From her background in university, she sees a lot of potential for her home country. “We have no resource deficit, but we need good governance. When I wonder what my role is, I see a child in Kenya who depends on me. My biggest ambition is to become president of Kenya.”