About the fund
The Stichting A.A. van Beek Fonds (A.A. van Beek Fund Foundation) was established in 1923 by A.A. van Beek. As of 1 January 2018, the foundation’s assets were transferred to a named fund of the same name within the Erasmus Trustfonds, the A.A. van Beek Fund. The fund encourages students to gain international experience as part of their studies. Students who need an extra financial boost to do so can apply to the fund.

How do I submit an application?
Carefully read the application guidelines and make sure you meet the requirements.
Preview application portal
To see which information is requested in the portal, please consult the preview here.
Application portal
Go to our application portal and create an account. Fill out the questions.
Add attachements
Submit the necessary documents to your application in the portal.
All requested information should be provided in Dutch or English. Please avoid the use of technical abbreviations and jargon, unless adequately explained.
Submit the complete application before the deadline.
Application guidelines
Applications that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted. In addition, the A.A. van Beek Fonds has a number of preferences. Projects that meet these preferences are more likely to receive funding.
Who can submit an application?
- The applicant is a full time bachelor- and masterstudent at Erasmus University Rotterdam, who qualifies for an additional scholarship from the Duch government (DUO supplementary grant)
- The exchange is part of the curriculum of the study program of the student
- The applicant needs to obtain a minimum of 15 ECTS during their exchange which are necessary to obtain his/her degree
- The applicant has not previously received support from the A.A. van Beek Fonds
- The application is submitted before the application round deadline. You can find all deadlines here
- The exchange starts no earlier than six weeks after the deadline
- Students who have not previously studied/did an internship abroad
- Students who go on exchange outside of Europe are preferred
Applications are carefully processed and all personal information provided will be handled confidentially.
During the decision procedure, applications are assessed based on the formal eligibility criteria and based on substantive assessment criteria. The assessment criteria, amongst others, take into account:
To what extent the application contributes to the core aims of the Erasmus Trustfonds and or the A.A. van Beek Fonds
- The applicant’s motivation
- To what extent the application involves Erasmus University Rotterdam
- The quality of the application
- Whether the exchange can proceed without the support of the Erasmus Trustfonds.
Grants are awarded based on priority of the application and available budget.
Applications are assessed by the Erasmus Trustfonds staff and the board. We aim to do so within six weeks. However, in exceptional cases, it might take longer before a decision is made.
During the decision procedure, we might contact you for further information.
After a decision has been made
After we have reviewed the application, a notification of the decision will be sent to you by e-mail.
If support is granted, the grant letter states the amount granted and the requirements/conditions under which the grant is made. We might, for example, require a report of the exchange.
In the grant letter you are requested to submit a financial and substantive account. Please find a template for this report here.