
Stine Jensen occupies special chair of public philosophy

With support from the Erasmus Trustfonds, philosopher and program creator Stine Jensen has been appointed as endowed professor of public philosophy at the Erasmus University. Her lessons and research are focused on public debate, in which she herself plays a leading part. Public philosophy provides a connecting link in times of polarization.

As endowed professor of public philosophy, Jensen will teach students at the Erasmus School of Philosophy, but also reach out to people outside of the university. “Philosophy of science forms the foundation for questions like ‘What is science?’ and ‘How do you connect the academy with society?’ Every student at the university should consider these matters. I teach my students to question their own thinking, which can lead to beautiful insights. Before they cast judgment, I challenge them to pose the question: Why does this resonate with me?”

As chair of public philosophy, Jensen will focus on polarization in society: “What, exactly, is polarizing? Is there a positive side to it? We’ll be sure to touch grass and listen to stories of upset citizens, while investigating strategies to counter polarization. Overall, I am quite positive about our society. There are many examples of successful and productive dialogue. This is a valuable chair that honors the rich Dutch philosophical tradition.”

Publieksfilosofie Stine Jensen